3 Aspects to Look for in Display Cases
When you take the time to invest in display cases, you know that you want them to be attractive and practical. And while it may seem that all display cases are created the same, the truth is they have many unique aspects that you may not know to look for. Here are three areas to pay attention to when you’re investing in a display case for your store.
Ease of Cleaning
You want to ensure that you can clean the display cases easily. Not only will be people be touching the outside, but as items sit on the inside you want them to be clean. When you have to continually take all of the products out of the case to get it sparkling, then you’ll be taking time out of your day when the store is closed, or you’ll miss sales opportunities by cleaning them when you’re open. Make sure you can simply and quickly wipe down each angle of the display cases, and not only will your customers appreciate it, but you’ll improve your work atmosphere.
Ability to Hold Diverse Items
Make sure that you find display cases that can hold diverse items. While you may start out having a good idea of what you want to place on the cases, give yourself room to grow your inventory and be prepared to adjust the shelves. Of course, if you have very specific items that you want to showcase such as glass figurines or clothing, you’ll want to find the display cases that match the niche your in.
Complimentary to Other Displays
When your store is mismatched, it can confuse your customers. However, that doesn’t mean that all of your display cases need to be identical. Look for cases that compliment your store and the design that you’re going for.